Building Trades Apprenticeships for Service Providers

Please help inform you clients/members about the career opportunities in the building trades.

Download The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Construction Apprentice here!


Train the trainer sessions were offered:
1. Thursday, October 19th, 2017 at 10am
2. Friday, November17th, 2017 at 10am
Both at the YWCA of Central MA – 1 Salem Sq, Worcester

Community organizations that serve youth, women, communities of color, immigrants and others looking for career development to expand their knowledge about the building trades joined us. This training is a good opportunity for you or your staff to learn about the apprenticeship programs of the building trades as possible career paths for your members. Sessions included:
1. Overview of construction industry
2. Apprenticeship / pre-apprentice especially for under-represented populations
3. Outreach Strategies
4. Networking opportunities

Trainings were free and open to any mission-aligned organization.

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